Saturday, March 12, 2011

How You Can Help

As the death toll climbs to approximately 750 people (the number of those confirmed dead and missing has reached 1600), our thoughts are with all those in Japan, including our fellow Wellesley students currently studying abroad there.

The Huffington Post has listed a number of resources for those who would like to donate for the relief efforts, so please check out the link below if you would like to help:

Lady Gaga has also designed a bracelet to help raise donations for the relief efforts:

NOTE: Please consult the article above or look at a list of organizations providing aid if you would like to make a donation. It is important that you confirm that the organization/website you would like to make a donation to is legitimate, as there are many websites that have sprung up with the intent of swindling kind donators!


  1. We're thinking of all of you in Japan and sending hugs and good wishes your way.
    --Sandy Kraft, President, Wellesley Alumnae Club, Silicon Valley (CA)

  2. Re krafty - Thank you so much for your support! We really appreciate it and will make sure to send your regards to our Wellesley sisters in Japan.
