Wellesley for Japan Coalition, initiated by Wellesley Japan Club, aims to connect all student organizations and alumnae in Wellesley Community together for one cause. We encourage intercultural, interorganizational, and interfaith collaborations. Besides our on-campus efforts, Wellesley for Japan Coalition also keeps close contacts with other universities and colleges where students and relevant organizations are also working on Japan related earthquake reliefs. We believe that by standing together, we can make a difference.
Japan Club would like to thank the following organizations/offices for their various ways to support this cause:
(Names listed in no particular order)
Asian Student Union (ASU)
Wellesley Korean Students Association (KSA)
Wellesley Association of South Asian Cultures (WASAC)
The Multifaith Student Council
Office of Religious and Spiritual Life
Office of Advisor to Students of Asian Descent
Office of International Studies
Slater International Center
Wellesley College Center for Work & Service (CWS)
Wellesley East Asian Languages & Literatures Department (EALL)
Wellesley Japan Corridor
Wellesley Aiko
Wellesley College Class of 1981
Wellesley Alumnae Club, Silicon Valley, CA
We are also in the process of working together with the following off-campus organizations:
(Please feel free to contact JapanClubMail@firstclass.wellesley.edu if your organization is looking for collaborations)
New England Japan Intercollegiate Network (NJIN): Babson College, Boston College, Boston University, Northeastern University, Wellesley College, Tufts University
Japanese American Student Union of D.C. (JASU): American University, George Mason University, Georgetown University, George Washington University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Maryland College Park
Princeton University, Japanese Student Association
Stanford University
Dartmouth College